Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Custom photography props: Featured in an Etsy Treasury!

I remembered today about this really awesome treasury widget you can get from CraftCult.com. I haven't checked it out in a while. I've been featured in 18 treasuries since opening up shop! Most of them are recent. So add that to my list of achievements!

Anyway, I was so excited to see that I've been featured in yet another treasury -and it's all about PINK! They featured my Owl ear flap beanie... one of my favorites :)
So, it's been a while. I've neglected you all for far too long. I just wish I had more time to keep up with everything. I've been very busy focusing all of my energy on my shop, but I'm going to try to get back into the swing of blogging! I want to, I really do.

Let's see. Here's an update! It's been just over a year and four months since I've opened up my Etsy shop and I've hit and surpassed 500 sales (566 -to be exact)! I have 263 shop hearts and I'm very close to 20,000 page views! I'm pretty happy with that, if I do say so myself!

I'm currently working on an expansion. I LOVE making hats but I am also going to be carrying those adorable satin and organza flower clips & headbands (another very popular photography prop) and my husband will join me in making really fabulous furniture photography props. Our aim will be mostly newborn and toddler photographers. We will start a line of beds, benches, boxes and all that jazz! I am incredibly excited to be expanding after only a little over a year! It's so exciting :) You can expect to begin to see some new items within the week. I want to have everything up and running by the end of this month.

In other exciting news, we may be relocating soon. Heading South! I'm not going to jinx it by talking about it, but my husband is in the process of putting in for a transfer and hopefully by summer's end you'll be hearing more!

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